INDIA - Chennai
Father Miguel Angel, General Councilor for Youth Ministry of the Salesian congregation met with the Youth Ministry delegates, South Asian Provinces.


6 November 2022
- Fr. Ralin De Souza SDB

Father Miguel Angel Garcia Morcuende, General Councilor for Youth Ministry of the Salesian congregation met with the Youth Ministry delegates from every South Asian Provinces. The meeting was held at The Citadel, Chennai from from 31st October to 4th November 2022 and was attended by the South Asian Youth Ministry Team headed by Father Robert Simon, Father Paul Lynkgot, Provincial-in-charge of Youth Ministry and the heads of related ministries in the region. Father John Christy, the YM Delegate of the hosting province co-ordinated the logistics.

‘I am impressed with the quality of the Youth Ministry delegates, especially their personal capability and Pastoral charity,’ said Father. Miguel on a sincere note to the gathering. He reminded that after the meeting is over, the delegates were given a diligent homework: What can we implement, know our team and to get into the mentality to Plan! Reflecting on the deliberations of the earlier regional meeting, he presented the crucial issues as Youth Ministry delegates and their roles in the provinces. While appreciating and acknowledging the commendable youth works in the region, Father Miguel enforced the idea of creating a change in mentality of developing a Youth Ministry in keeping with the Salesian congregation the world over.

Father Joebeth Vivo (who accompanied Father Miguel) from the department of Youth Ministry facilitated the group discussions and the various presentations at the meeting. Father Joebeth blended well the ideas presented but the various provinces, giving sufficient times for common sharing and expressing of the concerns of the region.

The various Youth Ministry delegates presented the ‘Best Practices’ or successes in their own region. While we are proud of what we have achieved, it was evident that if we inculcate the new mentality of coordinating the various sectors of education, Young at Risk, PDOs, Youth Centres, and other youth related activities under a common banner, we would be much more effective.

Father Miguel Angel presented the book ‘Education is a thing of Hearts: the Educative – Pastoral Model of the Salesians of Don Bosco’, a fruit of a long reflection in the congregation. Also, the presentation of ‘Flash’ – a Salesian Youth Ministry Animation publication, that offers reflection and research on the role of the Youth Ministry roles and functioning within the provinces. Amidst the reflection, various issues were clarified as per the role of the Youth ministry delegate, the local youth ministry delegate and the role of the dimension heads. This was a wonderful constructive forum of Youth Ministry heads, to primarily be informed about the importance and clarity of their role and at the same time be enthused and have sufficient resource support from the congregation.

In conclusion, Father Miguel pleaded with Father Paul Lynkgot that ‘it’s time that we know that besides the Provincial, Vice-Provincial, and Economer, the Youth Ministry delegate has an equally important role in the province, and we need to enforce that a special confrere be set aside, with the necessary capacity and budget’. 

Important Dates: https://www.lisboa2023.org/en/#

World Youth Day Program - 1 - 6 August 2023, in Lisbon.
The Salesian Youth Day to be held concurrently on 2nd August 2023.


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