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A digital gift to the Salesian Family


You are part of this big Salesian Family, still growing strong with its mission so relevant. Watch the Recap Salesians-2023.


DBSA opens the door for the Salesian family to journey together on one portal, making Don Bosco and his mission visible in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal..


The Salesian Society is made up of Salesian brothers and Salesian priests. They dedicate their lives to God in the service of the young, especially the poorest among them. They follow the charism of saint Francis de Sales.


The Salesian Society encourages members to go back to their roots by focusing all their developmental activities on the poor and abandoned young people and those who have major difficulties.


The DB Tech network is a leading non-governmental agency in India/South Asia and is committed to prepare the young towards youth empowerment and capacity building in diverse occupations.


Don Bosco South Asia Forum for the Young at Risk (DBF-YaR) is a body for reflection, sharing and coordination among Salesians and their collaborators involved in the ministry with the Young at Risk.


14th National Boscoree 2022-2023

Facts About Our Network

DB Tech
Better Skills, Better Job and Better Life.
Creating Stories of Hope and Courage
Don Bosco Jobs
Don Bosco National Job Placement Network - India
Best Jobs just for You! Don't Miss it!
Assam University
The First Catholic University in India owned and managed by the Salesians of Don Bosco.
Indigenous Cultures
Don Bosco Centre for fostering Indigenous Cultures in North East India.

Education and Advocacy

“Education is a matter of the heart.” - Don Bosco

Don Bosco, a visionary of the 19th century, who loved the youth, provided them not only with shelter, but also education. This education made them to be the catayst in the society. His approach-the Preventive System of Education- not only kept the youth away from harm and evil but created a culture of advocacy. His education was directed towards self-discovery, the formation of character, and being a citizen in one’s own society. It is living the duties and rights of a citizen in society. The Preventive System is based on reason, spiritual well-being and loving-kindness.

Don Bosco System of Education and Advocacy

Don Bosco is an international Catholic educational movement founded in 1859 by St. John Bosco to help disadvantaged young people. Don Bosco’s educational system focuses on providing quality education with a strong emphasis on character formation. It includes an integrated approach to teaching, which combines classroom instruction with practical activities such as sports and other extra-curricular activities. The aim is to develop the intellectual, spiritual, social and physical abilities of each student.

The system also places a strong emphasis on moral values, such as respect, responsibility, honesty, kindness, and charity. Don Bosco’s educational system also has a strong focus on technical and vocational training. It provides students with the opportunity to learn a variety of trades and skills that can be used in their future careers. This helps to ensure that students are well equipped to enter the workforce.

In addition to providing quality education and technical training, Don Bosco’s educational system also strives to foster a sense of community and responsibility. Through various activities, students are encouraged to work together and help each other. This helps to create a strong sense of community and promotes mutual respect and acceptance.

Of late, Salesians are engaging in the global initiatives and movements - like that of United Nations SDGs. Salesians representation in the UN are the indicators in this direction. In fact, the UN platforms are asking Salesians to join with them with their youth. And Don Bosco South Asia attempts to present the activities of Salesian Centres and the outcomes of porgrams that contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, with and for the young.

For Salesians it has been an enviable and highly rewarding experience to come to know the young and their world up close – walking with them, sharing their dreams, listening to their puzzling questions, joining them in their search, and something gently challenging them and being challenged by them, but always standing by their side offering them a reassuring adult presences as they struggle to find their feet in their topsy-turvy world, both within them and outside.

Our Works

Youth Focus

YOUTHFUL as young people together with their educators are true leaders in the educational development of the movement, owning responsibility as part of the unique pastoral plan for the local area.


The presence of Don Bosco schools all over the world, associated with excellence and the holistic development of the vulnerable young, is one of the most consistent, significant and widespread moves in the field of education.

Education to Faith

We believe that this society had its beginning in simple catechism lesson. We believe that the education of religious dimension is central to personal development of the young. This dimension helps the young to pass the door of faith to discover the joy of faith.

Social Development

The Salesian Society encourages members to go back to their roots by focusing all their activity on the poor and abandoned young people and those who have major difficulties: “The world will always welcome us with pleasure, while we are directing our care at the poorest children who are intimidated by the society. This is our true wealth and no one will take it away from us” (Cf. General Chapter 27).

Social Communication

The Social Communication Commission, BOSCOM, South Asia, co-ordinator of inter-provincial communication activities of the region, founded in 1993 on the premise - ‘the truth shall make you free’ - promotes, collaborates, plans, studies and researches the sectors of animation, formation, information, business enterprise, cultural and artistic patrimony within the South Asian context.

Don Bosco Museum

Built over 10 years (1994-2004), its seven floors represent the Seven Sister States of the North East. The DBCIC building has a total floor area of 56,000 sq. ft. and 15,154 sq. ft. of wall area for display of art objects and paintings.


Inspired by the charism of St. John Bosco, the Salesian Parish encourages the faithful to reflect on their life experience and discern God’s presence in their lives. It aims to nurture lay leadership as well as personal faith. The Salesians carry out their mission in parishes responding to the pastoral needs of the particular church in which the community seeks adequate opportunities to serve, especially the young, the poor and the needy.

Children Parliament

The Children’s Parliament functions similarly to the national parliament, offering a platform for children to actively engage in addressing social issues in their communities and to brainstorm suggestions to tackle these challenges. They pass resolutions in the parliament and submit them to relevant government officials for action.


The Salesians of Don Bosco [officially titled The Society of St. Francis de Sales], is an international organisation of Catholic priests and brothers dedicated to the service of the young, especially those disadvantaged and marginalised.


The Rector Major and the general council animate and govern the Congregation. The council identifies and studies the problems which concern the common welfare of the Society, promotes fraternal union among the different provinces, and develops an ever more efficient organization for the fulfilment of the Salesian mission in the world.



More Facts About Us

Our Founder
Saint John Bosco, byname Don Bosco, is a pioneer in educating the poor and founded the Salesian order.
Our Story
In 1876, Pope Pius IX offered Don Bosco twelve vicariates in India which were in urgent need of personnel. Don Bosco agreed to take up one of these, and requested twenty months to prepare his men. Returning from Rome, he told his sons, "Those of you who wish to go to India have twenty months to get ready."
South Asia Region
The Salesian Provincials Conference of South Asia (SPCSA) is the regional structure for animation, “reflection, sharing and coordination” among the Salesian Provinces of South Asia
Don Bosco Worldwide
The Salesians of Don Bosco [officially titled The Society of St. Francis de Sales], is an international organisation of Catholic priests and brothers dedicated to the service of the young, especially those disadvantaged and marginalised.


Don Bosco wanted his Salesians and the young people they served, to know that it was easy to be a saint. “Do the ordinary things in an extraordinary way,” he told them. He showed them how it was not necessary to look for extraordinary ways to be holy or to practise virtue.


The Salesian Family

Don Bosco (St. John Bosco) was inspired to create a vast movement of persons to bring the Gospel of Jesus to young people and to work for their benefit.

  • The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians - FMA.
  • The Unit of Women Volunteers of Don Bosco - VDB.
  • Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians - MSMHC.
  • Catechist Sisters of Mary Immaculate Help of Christians - SMI.
  • The Disciples - Don Bosco Secular Institute. (Men and Women)
  • Sisters of Maria Auxiliatrix - SMA.
  • Visitation Sisters of Don Bosco - VSDB.
  • Salesian Co-operators.
  • ADMA
  • Salesian Past Pupils.
  • With Don Bosco CDB
  • Salesians of Don Bosco SDB

Strenna 2024

Are you a friend of Don Bosco? Yes


Born: August 16, 1815 Castelnuovo d’Asti (now Castelnuovo Don Bosco), Italy
Ordained: June 5, 1841 Turin
Died: January 31, 1888 Turin
Canonized: April 1, 1934
Feast day: January 31


Born: May 9, 1837 Mornese, Italy
Religious profession: August 5, 1872
Died: May 14, 1881 Nizza Monferrato, Italy
Canonized: June 24, 1951
Feast day: May 13


Born: April 2, 1842 Riva di Chieri (Turin), Italy
Died: March 9, 1857 Mondonio, Italy
Canonized: June 12, 1954
Feast day: May 6


Born: April 5, 1891 Santiago, Chile
Died: January 22, 1904 Junín de los Andes, Argentina
Beatified: September 3, 1988
Liturgical memorial: January 22


Nurse and Salesian brother.
For fifty years devoted himself to the care of the poor and sick in Viedma, Río Negro. There he directed one of the first hospitals in Argentina Patagonia
A saint for the entire Salesian Family.

The Salesian Family

Don Bosco (St. John Bosco) was inspired to create a vast movement of persons to bring the Gospel of Jesus to young people and to work for their benefit.
The Society of St. Francis de Sales (Salesians of Don Bosco), The Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters), The Association of Salesian Cooperators and The Association Devoted to Mary Help (ADMA)

Becoming a Salesian

In 1859 Don Bosco founded the Salesian Society in Turin (Italy). This Society was to be made up of Salesian brothers and Salesian priests, all of whom, walking in the Founder’s footsteps, would dedicate their lives to God in the service of the young, especially the poorest among them.

Being a Salesian is AWESOME!