Celebrating Silver Jubilee of Tiruchy Province with Symposium based on impact study

Celebrating Silver Jubilee of Tiruchy Province with Symposium based on impact study

7 March 2024
- Fr. Arockia Selvakumar SDB

In view of the Silver Jubilee Celebration of the Tiruchy Province, a state-level symposium was organized in Tiruchy on the 23rd and 24th of February. The Symposium follows a year-long impact study on the various sectors of the Province. The results and recommendations of this study formed the basis for the Symposium to take stock of what has been and to visualize what is next. The Symposium was attended by about 150 participants from the Tiruchy Salesian Province, the Province of Chennai and the members of the Salesian family.

The Provincial Fr. Agilan inaugurated and welcomed all the participants, introducing the Symposium. Fr. John Dharman SDB presented the reports of the impact study: Educational (Academics & Technical), Young at Risk, Pastoral (Parishes) and Formation. Two resource persons (one Salesian and a non-Salesian) steered the discussions for each sector during the Symposium. Their insights and inputs touched upon the prophetic vision of Don Bosco for today’s Indian context, leading up to reshaping our Salesian ministries towards the next decade. 

Fr. Dr Antony Mahimai Doss, KJC Bangalore, set the ball rolling with his keynote address. The other resource persons were Fr. Dr Maria Charles SDB and Dr John J. Kennedy of Christ University, Bangalore (educational sector), Fr. Dr M. Xavier SDB and Mr C. Anand of Shishu Mandir, Bangalore (the Young at Risk sector), Fr Dr Rajadevan SDB, and Dr P. Devanesan, member of the Salesian Family (the Formation sector) and Fr. Dr P. Jesudoss SDB and Fr. Arimavalavan, CSC (the Parish sector). Fr. Dr Dominic, in charge of Bosco Yuvakendra, Bangalore, delivered the endnote at the Symposium.

The Symposium highlighted both the achievements and the challenges of Tiruchy Province. All the resource persons in one voice appreciated the preferential option for the marginalized youth. The inputs were experiential and pointers to the future. The participants had the opportunity to clarify or contribute to the ongoing discussion. 

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