Youth Synodality!


30 January 2024
- Fr Joseph Vanga SDB

Echoes, the Youth Synods of the Province of St. Joseph Hyderabad, were celebrated in two phases. The first Youth Synod was held on 13 and 14 January in BIRDY, Hyderabad, with 140 youth and 12 youth coordinators from Telangana and Rayalaseema participating. The second Youth Synod on 26 and 27 January was held at Don Bosco Chiguru Children’s Village near Vijayawada, with 170 youth and ten youth coordinators from Andhra Pradesh.

The Youth Synods celebrated the theme 'Journeying Together with the Youth in the Church and Society'. Both events had a similar pattern of animation enlivened with the spiritual moments of Holy Eucharist Celebrations, Eucharistic Adoration, and Yoga. The input sessions focused on the Salesian Youth Movement, the role of youth in society and the Church, the profile of youth and youth in leadership and Mass media, and the renewal of youth ministry in the Province. Particular attention was drawn to the mutual listening, sharing, discerning, journeying and accompanying. Group activities and sharing helped the youth better understand the nucleus of the Synodal Church. There were also moments of fun and laughter.

Father Thomas Santiagu, the Provincial of St. Joseph Province of Hyderabad, was present for the first Youth Synod. Father Garlapati Michael Kishore, the Vice-Provincial, presented the Strenna 2024: ‘The dream that makes you dream.’ The organization and animations were held in collaboration with the youth coordinators of the Province, besides lay volunteers and youth leaders.

‘All the animations are lively and engaging,’ said Raina from St. Theresa Parish. ‘The Youth Synod helped me to understand my role in society and be close to the Church, sharing in the common mission given by Christ’, said Rakesh, who hails from Manoharabad. Father Joji, the youth director, encouraged the youth to develop a few action plans. All the priests, the religious, volunteers and youth who participated in ‘Echoes-Youth Synod’ were felicitated and acknowledged. This synodal experience offered the youth of the Province an excellent opportunity to ‘be’ the Church rather than ‘do’ the Church.

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