Blessed are those who show loving kindness!
Blessed are those who show loving kindness!
Category Articles
Published Year 2022
Language English
Tags amorevolezza, education, affection, Don Bosco, The Salesian Bulletin,
Access Public
Type Secular
View 76238
Posted By PT Joseph SPCSA Webmaster
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One of the greatest educators of Italy in the 19th centurey undoubtedly was St. John Bosco, a simple and dynamic priest of the archdiocese of Turin. The genius of the man was to base his system of education on `loving kindness` or amorevolezza as it is expressed in Italian. He knew from the very beginning that fear, control, strict rules and regulations would not help young persons to grow in freedom and responsibility. It goes without saying that loving kindness would remain the key factor that would determine the educational scenario of the future. In this sharing I would like to interpret `loving kindness` as `emotional guidance and accompaniment`.


Resource: The Salesian Bulletin.